Monday, April 27, 2009

The past couple of days I have had a couple of those moments where it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. My kids make me so happy, I know everyone knows that. So I thought I would share a couple of those moments with y'all.

This is what I found on Sunday morning. Conor was all cuddled up with Anthony watching "Boots" (Dora). These moments happen a lot with Ant and Conor. I think Anthony will forever be Conor's hero. One of my fuzzy moments.

The other moment happened tonight. I have had such a good day with my little man today. He has been so happy and enjoyable to be around. Lately Conor has only wanted to eat chicken nuggets. I could usually get him to eat mac and cheese, maybe some pizza. But lately only "titen nut". Tonight I made spaghetti and he got so excited. I was so excited that he was so excited. I asked him if he was ready to eat dinner and he exclaims "Yay netti!". So here he is eating something other than chicken nuggets.


My happy boy eating his spaghetti like a big boy. Yes, this is another one of the happy fuzzy moments. It has been a good day!


Tia said...

i had to comment becuase this just made me smile, I might just have to do one of my own, thanks for the smile - your a great mommy!

Unknown said...

I'm glad SOMEONE is enjoying their kid! J/K Haylee has been a stinker lately--I'm glad Conor is being so good to you lately! You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Conor's a cutie! You are a good mom who deserves every bit of happiness you get.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kym! I love your blog it is a great way to see exactly what your up to :-) You looked absolutely beautiful on your wedding day! Congratulations.
