Thursday, April 14, 2011
This is Conor's 'bestest friend' Maddox.
And this is Conor's little team. They all look so tiny
I am enjoying watching him grow and watching his little personality come out. He makes me so happy. Being a mom is the BEST!
Monday, September 6, 2010

Conor is also a very big helper around the house. He helps us unload the dishwasher, take out the trash, but is favorite job is vacuuming his floor...with HIS vacuum. I love it! I hope he enjoys doing it in 10 years still....

Friday, April 9, 2010
While we were there we went and caught the last few of the Spring Training games. Here is the boys in front of the Maryville field where the Brewers hold their spring training.
Kettle corn and a baseball game....with the best boys in the world....PERFECT!
Conor misses wrestling with his bubba's. So as you can see he will get in wrestling any time he can!
Tim and Anthony after finally getting TWO autographs they worked so hard for!
Of course Grandma Elaine had to spoil her grandkids while they were all together. So she made sure to contact the Easter Bunny so he would hide eggs a little early for the kids. They spent some time one morning finding eggs. Conor was pretty excited about finding eggs. He was even more excited about what was inside.
The boys after their egg hunt. Man I LOVE these boys. What handsome kids!
Here we are with the Ferguson-Hess family. Some in jamma's some just out of the shower. It was a good morning! Thanks Grandma Elaine, for spoiling my kids.
It was so good to see the boys. I have missed watching them play baseball. I can't wait to go watch them again. It seems like the week went by SO fast. It was good to see everyone.
We did take some pictures of Anthony playing on his club team as well as Little League...but I can't find them! So you will have to stay posted for them.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
He is covering his face so Tim won't hit him with his whistle. He was laughing so hard. It was cute.This is Conor's cake we made. He LOVES the movie Cars, and cars in general. WE decorated this together. I just now noticed that we put the "3" on there backwards. O-well!
Conor was funny, while we were singing he would close his eye's and make a wish then try to blow out the candle. He did it three times before he finally got the candles blown out.
Tim told him to take a bite out of his he did. He enjoyed it a lot too. He wanted to keep eating it.
His little bite marks on his cake.
I am so happy this little guy is my baby. I can't believe he is 3. I LOVE him so much. Happy Birthday Conor. WE love you.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Mariah and Mackenzie went with us, they are our nieces. They really liked it.
Mariah and Kenzie in front of the trucks.
Of course we had to get a picture in front of the trucks with our scared little boy. So here you go. Here is Tim with Conor, at least you got a little smile out of both of them.
Here we are in front of the one Conor attempted to like the best.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Okay, and he loves to have two drinks to choose from. He drinks juice in one and milk in the other. And he drinks them both all the time.
As always, I LOVE this boy. He makes my world spin round. Keeps me busy and makes me learn to have more and more patience every day. I wouldn't have it any other way!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Here they are in the box, notice the piano in front of Mackenzie. Conor has one too, but he is to busy hamming it for the camera.